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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Promote Websites in Social Networks

Website design India helps you, how can you promote your website in social networks
Basically, social networks are similar to search engines - the goal is to bring the most interesting and relevant content to the top of the site.

Social bookmarking is very easy and good way to get publicity and quick traffic to your website.
Automatic bookmarking sites
Some best social media site
1.       Twitter - the best Social media communication website.
2.       Stumble - the best social bookmarking website
3.       Digg - it is not as good as it used to be before, but still very good.
4.       Facebook - nice way to bring continuous traffic on your website
5.       Linked In- Great for niche marketing
6.       Reddit - it is not as good as stumble, but sometimes bring amazing traffic.
7.       Hubpages - Great way to get continuous traffic and backlinks.
8.       Youtube - Create an attractive video of your website and promote it.

For more info visit: - Website design India

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